Cosmetic Surgery Pics: Before, During & After (so far…)

Cosmetic Surgery Pics: Before, During & After (so far…)

“Beauty lasts five minutes. Maybe longer if you have a good plastic surgeon.”


“I saw what’s going on under my chin. I don’t want to be the one the president has to pardon on Thanksgiving.”


Fasten your Seat Belts, it’s going to be a bumpy…..Recovery   (with apologies to Bette Davis, All About Eve)

Fasten your Seat Belts, it’s going to be a bumpy…..Recovery (with apologies to Bette Davis, All About Eve)

Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, Epilogue


By the time I hit the  publish button for this posting, I will be almost 5 weeks post surgery.

Where to begin?

I spent the first night in Dr. B’s recovery suite, upstairs from his office. A beautiful apartment overlooking the water. The view is pointless. I spent most of my time with cold compresses over my eyes.

I am riding high from the drugs, but I am also buzzing on adrenaline. I did it! It’s over and I didn’t die! Continue reading…    

CRAZY TRAIN (Ozzy Osbourne) Pre-op to Post-op

CRAZY TRAIN (Ozzy Osbourne) Pre-op to Post-op

Pre-op to Post-op

Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, Finale

The rush of scheduling appointments and test, all needing to be completed before my Pre-op with Dr. B, is a near Herculean task. (I’ve had an easier time getting a reservation at a Zagat rated restaurant)  Some of the highlights: The lab draws 5 vials of blood. The Schirmer’s Test for dry eye involves sticking strips of paper into your eyelids – twice! My blood pressure is a remarkable 90/60.

With all the boxes checked off, I head for my Pre-op appointment. This should be a 5 minute no brainer — do this, don’t do that, be here at this time, bring this, sign these forms. Hold that thought.Continue reading…