We call ourselves The Hoity Toitys

We call ourselves The Hoity Toitys

We call ourselves The Hoity Toitys:

*The names have been changed to protect the guilty.

“May I have your attention, please. The signal tone you have just heard is an emergency alert. Please remain where you are until further notice.”

I knew the weekend would be memorable, but I didn’t see this coming! D and I were at the airport to pick up our fellow revelers, and we were ready to let loose. Wearing our crowns and carrying silly welcome signs, we were hovering around the arrival gate when the alarm started sounding. D felt Homeland Security had been alerted to the two strange ladies wearing sparkling pink crowns. I thought Z and JT had created a ruckus getting their bags out of the overhead bin. Either way, this was an awesome start.Continue reading…    

Sending up the Bat Signal

Sending up the Bat Signal

College Girlfriends Weekend Essentials:

Wine √

Comfy Clothes√

Junk Food√

No Makeup√


Junk Food√

Sweet Tea √



My college girlfriends are coming!  Send up the Bat Signal! Sound the alarms!

This has been a long time in the planning. The group messages, texting, etc. started many months ago. The logistics have been ironed out. It has been over 13 years since ALL of us have been able to get together at one time. Fingers crossed, no last-minute issues will derail this event.

I am calling it the “How the Hell are We Turning 60” weekend. It is stunning to all of us that we have been out of college for……38 years?!?! The march of time continues to astound.Continue reading…    

What’s your SUPER POWER?  Take this completely made-up, based on NO scientific or statistical research quiz and find out!

What’s your SUPER POWER? Take this completely made-up, based on NO scientific or statistical research quiz and find out!

WHAT’S YOUR SUPER POWER?  Take this completely made-up, based on NO scientific or statistical research quiz and find out!

One of my favorite time sucking activities is trolling through Facebook. (There is also the solitaire app on my phone, but that is an entirely different issue.)

Two words: Facebook Quizzes. My Timeline is being over run with these.Let me name a few, actual quizzes:.Continue reading…    

Funerals, Memorials and That Final Party

Funerals, Memorials and That Final Party



As I sat in church waiting for the memorial service to start, I looked around at the many family and friends that had gathered to remember a dear lady. So many lives touched. So many memories shared. My first thought? “Would this many people come to my funeral? Did I even know this many people?” (Maybe if there was food involved. People love a good buffet.)

That was followed closely with: “I should make some more friends. Maybe do a little networking.” Sad, huh? I was actually thinking about how to be more popular for my own funeral.

I admit to comparing myself to the deceased at all the funerals I have attended. And I have attended many funerals in the past few years. Paul is a deacon at our church, which has a  large percentage of elderly members. During one particularly busy year for “passing”, we jokingly called Paul the Deacon of Death, so many  people from his group of families   “went home to the Lord”.

It is the one time where you are the center of attention and you can’t be there.  The planning and thought that would be put into arrangements. I have a reputation for putting together a great party, so I expect a good send-off. Christina and Paul would feel the pressure from me “beyond the grave” to get it right! But I won’t be there to revel in the success of another well done gathering.

One thing that has always bothered me, is what I call the Sainting of the Deceased. I knew some of the recently departed, and saintly might not have been a word I would use. Of course, this is not the time to bring out a list of grievances and examples of bad behaviour. But it sets a bad precedent. If I knew the person, then the phony sentiment is annoying. If I didn’t know them, I start comparing all their wonderful accomplishments (minus all the crappy stuff that gets edited out)  and feeling terrible about my selfish, ordinary life. I come away thinking, “I suck.I need to be a better person.”

People don’t think of me as kind and gentle and sweet. I am, at best, snarky and honest and straightforward. I recently told someone, “If I wasn’t snarky, I’d be living a lie.” He suggested I put that on a T-Shirt. Christina and Paul know how I feel about insincerity. Christina promised if anyone starting spewing sweet drivel about me, she would stand up and shout, “You don’t know my Mother!”

And then there are the overachievers. One of my regular reads is the New York Times Obituaries. I look at the length of the write-up. I look to see if there is more than one write-up. Big money philanthropists  get multiple obits, paid for by  each cause they generously supported. Who has been keeping this detailed timeline of achievements, ready to pull out at the moment of death?  I haven’t done much, and I can’t remember half of the events in my life.

For example: (These are fictional, but based on some of the obits I read, I don’t think I’m far from the mark)

  –“He wrote a book while working full-time and getting his PhD in quantum physics. All the while, he had time to coach his daughter’s softball team and serve meals at the soup kitchen”  

 —   “She got her medical degree while raising eight children and still found time run a support group for women at the homeless shelter.”

Who are these people? Aliens?

In some future posting, I may attempt to discuss my feelings about actually being dead. That will be trip into my emotional state, I might not be willing to take (or expose to you, good reader). This is strictly all about THE SHOW, the grande finale.

Just one more detail, Paul and Christina:

There better be cocktails and champagne and music that doesn’t come out of a 1800’s Hymnal.

That’s all.





*I know I promised a posting on interesting To 60 and Beyond women characters in fiction and media (in the biz, we call it a “tease”), but it is still a work in progress. And it’s my blog and I can do what I want!*

I pull out my “never without” smartphone and scroll through the many apps. I find the  Weight Watchers icon, click to open and…..nothing. All of the items I scanned, the recipes I saved, my weigh-in stats, gone. NOOOOOOOO! Continue reading…    

B.O.B SYNDROME (Bitter Old Broad) What are the symptoms and how to prevent and treat this joy sucking condition.

B.O.B SYNDROME (Bitter Old Broad) What are the symptoms and how to prevent and treat this joy sucking condition.

B.O.B Syndrome (Bitter Old Broad) 

**Full DIsclosure: In my web search for some type of attention grabbing media for this blog post, I came across a discussion forum started in 2006 on the website Topix entitled “Bitter Old Broad” Syndrome, proving I am not as imaginative as I thought! However there was no use of my clever B.O.B. acronym in the headline. I will continue with the delusion that I was the first.**

B.O.B. Syndrome is common in the To 60 and Beyond woman. Life is changing and possibilities are dwindling. It’s true, we are past our shelf life for many things: being a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, becoming  a prima ballerina, anchoring the NBC nightly news. This realization can make you bitter. I have suffered bouts of this condition, we all have. I want things to just stop changing. I want the world to adjust to me, not the other way around. Stop asking me to be flexible. I don’t want to be sad or frightened or worried ever again, I have done enough of that. So we find ways to control the uncontrollable. A common saying from someone in the throes of B.O.B.S: “Been there, done that.” As in, “I’m done feeling, caring or doing.” It’s a type of emotional death so that there is no chance you will get hurt or fail or be judged.Continue reading…    

Cosmetic Surgery Pics: Before, During & After (so far…)

Cosmetic Surgery Pics: Before, During & After (so far…)

“Beauty lasts five minutes. Maybe longer if you have a good plastic surgeon.”


“I saw what’s going on under my chin. I don’t want to be the one the president has to pardon on Thanksgiving.”


Fasten your Seat Belts, it’s going to be a bumpy…..Recovery   (with apologies to Bette Davis, All About Eve)

Fasten your Seat Belts, it’s going to be a bumpy…..Recovery (with apologies to Bette Davis, All About Eve)

Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, Epilogue


By the time I hit the  publish button for this posting, I will be almost 5 weeks post surgery.

Where to begin?

I spent the first night in Dr. B’s recovery suite, upstairs from his office. A beautiful apartment overlooking the water. The view is pointless. I spent most of my time with cold compresses over my eyes.

I am riding high from the drugs, but I am also buzzing on adrenaline. I did it! It’s over and I didn’t die! Continue reading…    

CRAZY TRAIN (Ozzy Osbourne) Pre-op to Post-op

CRAZY TRAIN (Ozzy Osbourne) Pre-op to Post-op

Pre-op to Post-op

Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, Finale

The rush of scheduling appointments and test, all needing to be completed before my Pre-op with Dr. B, is a near Herculean task. (I’ve had an easier time getting a reservation at a Zagat rated restaurant)  Some of the highlights: The lab draws 5 vials of blood. The Schirmer’s Test for dry eye involves sticking strips of paper into your eyelids – twice! My blood pressure is a remarkable 90/60.

With all the boxes checked off, I head for my Pre-op appointment. This should be a 5 minute no brainer — do this, don’t do that, be here at this time, bring this, sign these forms. Hold that thought.Continue reading…    

SNAP OUT OF IT (Moonstruck)  I STILL feel bad about my neck

SNAP OUT OF IT (Moonstruck) I STILL feel bad about my neck

SNAP OUT OF IT! (Moonstruck) I STILL feel bad about my neck

Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, act three

When last we heard from our fearless heroine, she was an emotional basket case. It seemed  that perhaps this cosmetic surgery wasn’t such a good idea…..

In my previous post, I had fled Dr. A’s office in a near panic.

Paul and I spent the next few hours at a bar that was, literally, next door. A bar next to a Cosmetic Surgeon’s Office? Genius. Dr. A is probably the owner. It’s a win-win.

The upshot of theContinue reading…