Cosmetic Surgery Pics: Before, During & After (so far…)

Cosmetic Surgery Pics: Before, During & After (so far…)

“Beauty lasts five minutes. Maybe longer if you have a good plastic surgeon.”


“I saw what’s going on under my chin. I don’t want to be the one the president has to pardon on Thanksgiving.”


Fasten your Seat Belts, it’s going to be a bumpy…..Recovery   (with apologies to Bette Davis, All About Eve)

Fasten your Seat Belts, it’s going to be a bumpy…..Recovery (with apologies to Bette Davis, All About Eve)

Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, Epilogue


By the time I hit the  publish button for this posting, I will be almost 5 weeks post surgery.

Where to begin?

I spent the first night in Dr. B’s recovery suite, upstairs from his office. A beautiful apartment overlooking the water. The view is pointless. I spent most of my time with cold compresses over my eyes.

I am riding high from the drugs, but I am also buzzing on adrenaline. I did it! It’s over and I didn’t die! Continue reading…    

CRAZY TRAIN (Ozzy Osbourne) Pre-op to Post-op

CRAZY TRAIN (Ozzy Osbourne) Pre-op to Post-op

Pre-op to Post-op

Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, Finale

The rush of scheduling appointments and test, all needing to be completed before my Pre-op with Dr. B, is a near Herculean task. (I’ve had an easier time getting a reservation at a Zagat rated restaurant)  Some of the highlights: The lab draws 5 vials of blood. The Schirmer’s Test for dry eye involves sticking strips of paper into your eyelids – twice! My blood pressure is a remarkable 90/60.

With all the boxes checked off, I head for my Pre-op appointment. This should be a 5 minute no brainer — do this, don’t do that, be here at this time, bring this, sign these forms. Hold that thought.Continue reading…    

SNAP OUT OF IT (Moonstruck)  I STILL feel bad about my neck

SNAP OUT OF IT (Moonstruck) I STILL feel bad about my neck

SNAP OUT OF IT! (Moonstruck) I STILL feel bad about my neck

Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, act three

When last we heard from our fearless heroine, she was an emotional basket case. It seemed  that perhaps this cosmetic surgery wasn’t such a good idea…..

In my previous post, I had fled Dr. A’s office in a near panic.

Paul and I spent the next few hours at a bar that was, literally, next door. A bar next to a Cosmetic Surgeon’s Office? Genius. Dr. A is probably the owner. It’s a win-win.

The upshot of theContinue reading…    

YOU NEED IT or what a cosmetic surgeon should not say

YOU NEED IT or what a cosmetic surgeon should not say

YOU NEED IT or what a cosmetic surgeon should not say


Adventures is Cosmetic Surgery, part two

I knew I only wanted my neck done. Possibly something to get rid of that red postmenopausal neck and decolletage (love that word).But that was all! I was firm! Uh-huh.

I chose three surgeons, because  three is the magic number for getting quotes.  I would like to say I had a systematic, well thought out list of  criteria for how I chose these three, but I’m not that analytical. I rely on my initial feelings and am generally happy when I trust myself. Without fail, whenever I have disregarded my Gut Reactor it has been a mistake and I was furious with myself for ignoring the internal  warning signs. Having said that,Continue reading…    

I FEEL BAD ABOUT MY NECK  (Nora Ephron) or Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, Part One

I FEEL BAD ABOUT MY NECK (Nora Ephron) or Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, Part One



Adventures in Cosmetic Surgery, part one


Here’s  where we talk about not succumbing to the pressures of the world to look younger and to find our inner beauty and let that be our guideposts. That sounds amazing. The place where that happens is called Heaven.  But in a world where Christie Brinkley and Jane Fonda and Helen Mirren are setting the looks standards for our age group, I am caving.

And I am not alone. According to a recent New York Daily News article, 85 percent of 55 to 64-year-olds said they are unhappy about “at least one” body part. The article went on to say that  a report commissioned by – an online community around elective cosmetic procedures – showed that the trend to seek help from a cosmetic doctor is on the rise by more than 200 percent.

The cover story of the upcoming issue ofContinue reading…